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Swan Meadow Village Water Line Replacement

Swan Meadow Village Water Line Replacement Dillon, CO


Swan Meadow Village is a small modular home community located in Dillon, Colorado.  The community is privately owned and maintained.  The existing infrastructure is over 30 years old and requires heavy-duty maintenance.  The water lines have been failing and have required costly repairs over the last three or four years.  Water to the community is supplied through two-meter vaults, and one meter has failed and has been shut off.  With only one point of supply, the entire community has to be turned off anytime repairs have to be made.  The water pressure supplied to many of the homes was also very low compared to typical pressure ratings.  Water to the community is supplied by the East Dillon Water District.

JR Engineering designed a new water system for the community which included two new water meter vaults with adjustable pressure regulators, new service connections with meters, shut off valves, thermarisers to keep the connections into the homes from freezing during the winter, and three new fire hydrants.  The old water system was constructed using ductile iron pipe, and the corrosive soils contributed to the deterioration of the pipe.  The water District approved replacing the waterline with PVC and the copper service lines with PVC.  During construction, temporary water service was provided to the homes.  JR coordinated with the East Dillon Water District, Lake Dillon Fire Department, and Summit County Engineering on this project.

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