Heritage Hills
Heritage Hills Pavement Rehabilitation
Lonetree, CO

JR Engineering is providing professional construction management services for the Heritage Hills Home Owner’s Association in Lone Tree, Colorado. The work consists of inspection and analysis of the current condition of all asphalt and concrete roads, curb, gutter, and sidewalk within the Heritage Hills Development resulting in a recommendation of a pavement maintenance plan. JR Engineering provided a 5 year phased pavement management system for the HOA based on a $200,000 per year budget for roadway repair and yearly evaluation of roadway conditions resulting in adequate roadway conditions for the development. The management system repairs include crack seal, slurry seal, patching, mill and overlay of asphalt along with replacement of concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, pan, and pavement. As a result of the recommendation, the HOA has requested JR Engineering provide additional services for full construction management services for contract documents and specifications, bidding out the first phase of the pavement management system, evaluation of bids and award the project, review of submittals, inspection and close out of the work.