Construction Services

JR Engineering is currently serving as the Program Manager responsible for the design and construction oversight of approximately $80 million in Infrastructure for the 104th Avenue Corridor Project from Brighton Road to E-470 in Commerce City, Colorado. The project is a multi-phased project with Local and Federal funding and includes the following major elements: 8 miles of Concrete Arterial Roadway design and construction including 7 bridge structures, Right-of-Way and Easement Acquisition in accordance with the Uniform Real Estate Act for approximately 80 property owners, 8 miles of non-potable and potable transmission and distribution lines, wastewater facilities, drainage conveyance systems, water quality ponds, railroad crossing improvements, intersection reconstruction, 10 traffic signals, streetlights, landscaping, RTD Bus stops, pedestrian underpasses, sidewalks, dry utility relocation, and electrical undergrounding. JR Engineering is currently providing construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for Phases 3A (US 85 and 104th Avenue intersection) and 3B (104th from US 85, over I-76, to SH 2) involving CDOT oversight. This project is a multi-jurisdictional project including coordination with Commerce City, Adams County, E-470, CDOT, FRICO, RTD, DRCOG, FHWA, UPRR, BNSF railroad, Urban Drainage, and over 80 various property, business, and HOA’s. The project also included a public outreach and involvement program to keep the public involved throughout the project duration.
Personnel Involved:
Trent Marshall, PE, Construction Manager Lisa Hilt, EI, Construction Engineer
Rocky Carns, PE, Project Manager

JR Engineering is providing professional construction management services, including construction administration, materials testing, and construction inspection for the Orchard Parkway project in Westminster, Colorado. The Orchard Parkway project consists of the construction of an arterial roadway from 136th Ave to 144th Ave, nearly one mile. Other elements of the project include the construction of two box culverts, a new sanitary sewer line, new water lines, new storm sewer and drainage improvements, landscaping and traffic signal construction and improvements. JR Engineering is providing the City with plan reviews, submittal and RFI reviews, materials testing, construction management, and public relations.

JR Engineering has completed the design and construction administration for the reconstruction of Colorado Boulevard from Brighton Boulevard to East 74th Avenue. JR was responsible for coordination with CDOT for approval of the improvements to the Colorado Boulevard and 74th Avenue Intersection. The design included improvements to the horizontal and vertical alignment of the existing roadway, roadside ditches, existing driveways and culverts. The design also provided for curb, gutter and sidewalk along the east side of Colorado Boulevard from 72nd Avenue to East 74th Avenue. Because of time constraints and in order to reduce design costs, JR used an accelerated project approach. The design was completed to a typical 60% complete set of construction plans. JR then prepared a bid schedule and contract documents and assisted the City during the bidding of the project. Once construction began, JR provided additional design information as required by the contractor to complete the project. JR also provided construction observation services and assisted the City with coordinating and conducting a public information meeting to address local home owner’s and business’ concerns.
104th Avenue Corridor Improvements from Brighton Road to E-470
Client: Commerce City
Designed: 2008-2013 Constructed: 2008-2016
Design Cost: $8,000,000.00 Construction Estimate: $80,000,000.00
Orchard Parkway
Client: City of Westminster
Construction Estimate: $7,750,000.00
Designed : 2014 Constructed: 2015
Colorado Boulevard Reconstruction
Client: City of Commerce City
Design Cost: $120,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $4,500,000.00
Designed : 2008 Constructed: 2009
JR Engineering managed the design and construction of over 3000 LF of 8’ wide bike and pedestrian trail for the Town of Mead. Other elements of this design included drainage structures, landscaping and decorative fencing, and erosion control. This section of trail is an important link in completing the Town of Mead’s Parks & Trails Master Plan. Portions of the funding for this project included Federal funds through a TIP-Enhancement grant from CDOT. As a result, extensive coordination with CDOT Region 4 and thorough knowledge of the State and Federal processes were required to complete this project. Design standards & plan preparation, processing payroll and pay requests, utility coordination, and construction management are all aspects of these processes that JR Engineering performed to complete this project.
From 1999 to 2012, JR Engineering provided civil, structural, surveying, construction management, and development review and inspection services for the Town of Mead as the contract Town Engineer. JR was essentially an extension of the Town staff, handling all engineering related tasks and questions as they arise. JR attended all Town Board of Trustees and Planning Commission Meetings and all other committee meetings necessary to coordinate Town projects. JR reviewed all residential and commercial development submittals, and coordinated and inspected all construction and right of way permitting in the Town. JR has completed the construction inspection of many developments totaling more than 2000 lots and the associated infrastructure that include:
Feather Ridge Trail- Phases I & II
Client: Town of Mead
Design Cost: $40,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $250,000.00
Designed : 2009 Constructed: 2010

JR Engineering managed the design and construction of over 3000 LF of 8’ wide bike and pedestrian trail for the Town of Mead. Other elements of this design included drainage structures, landscaping and decorative fencing, and erosion control. This section of trail is an important link in completing the Town of Mead’s Parks & Trails Master Plan. Portions of the funding for this project included Federal funds through a TIP-Enhancement grant from CDOT. As a result, extensive coordination with CDOT Region 4 and thorough knowledge of the State and Federal processes were required to complete this project. Design standards & plan preparation, processing payroll and pay requests, utility coordination, and construction management are all aspects of these processes that JR Engineering performed to complete this project.

JR Engineering was contracted by the City of Westminster and the City of Northglenn to design improvements to 112th Avenue between Alcott Street and Huron Street to improve the general traffic circulation and to accommodate future expected traffic increases due to recently constructed projects by both the City of Westminster and the City of Northglenn. Services performed included geotechnical services, field survey, structural design, environmental design, utility coordination and design, drainage design, transportation and traffic engineering, roadway design, construction phasing, right-of-way exhibits and legal descriptions, landscaping plans, specifications and bidding, construction management, and public involvement.

JR Engineering is providing City oversight and Inspection Services for the developer funded the extension of 96th Avenue. JR Engineering is acting as an extension of the City’s construction management staff and is providing services including submittal review, RFI coordination, compliance with City standards and construction inspection for the 96th Avenue project in Commerce City, Colorado. The 96th Ave project consists of the construction of an arterial roadway from Nucla Street to Tower Road. Other elements of the project include the construction of a concrete pavement roadway, a bridge over Second Creek, a new sanitary sewer line, new water lines, new storm sewer and drainage improvements, landscaping and traffic signal construction and improvements.

From 1999 to 2012, JR Engineering provided civil, structural, surveying, construction management, and development review and inspection services for the Town of Mead as the contract Town Engineer. JR was essentially an extension of the Town staff, handling all engineering related tasks and questions as they arise. JR attended all Town Board of Trustees and Planning Commission Meetings and all other committee meetings necessary to coordinate Town projects. JR reviewed all residential and commercial development submittals, and coordinated and inspected all construction and right of way permitting in the Town. JR has completed the construction inspection of many developments totaling more than 2000 lots and the associated infrastructure that include:
112th Avenue Widening (Estimated Value:)
Client: City of Westminster/ City of Northglenn
Design Cost: $140,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $1,750,000.00
Designed : 2007 Constructed: 2008
East 96th Avenue
Client: City of Commerce City
Design Cost: $N/A / Construction Estimate: $3,500,000.00
Designed : 2012 Constructed: 2014
Contract Town Engineer
Client: Town of Mead
Contact: Dan Dean, 970-535-4477
⦁ Vale View
⦁ Mead High School
⦁ Coyote Run
⦁ First National Bank
⦁ Mead Western Meadows
⦁ Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers
⦁ Liberty Ranch
JR also managed all public works storm drainage and roadway projects from the concept design through budgeting, final design, bidding, construction management, and project closeout for the Town. Several projects including the Feather Ridge Trail System utilized local agency federal funds & coordination with CDOT was necessary. JR Reviewed all applications for annexation and subdivision from an engineering perspective and provided recommendations to the Town. We reviewed all subdivision plats, construction plans, drainage reports, traffic studies, utility plans, etc. to ensure conformance with Town Standards.
JR coordinated with St. Vrain Sanitation District, Little Thompson and Longs Peak Water Districts, and Mountain View Fire Protection District during the review and construction process to ensure the district’s standards and expectations were met, and ensure that the districts had approved all plans and construction prior to the Town releasing building permits. We provided all construction inspection for the Town and processed all initial and final acceptance actions for every residential and commercial development. JR also assisted the town in writing the Annexation and Public Improvements Agreements, to ensure all major infrastructure items required are documented.

JR Engineering is providing professional construction management services, including construction administration, materials testing, and construction inspection for the McKay Regional Drainage Way project in Westminster, Colorado. The McKay Regional Drainage Way project consists of the construction of improvements to the McKay drainage channel and the construction of an eight acre regional detention pond. Other elements of the project include the construction of two box culverts, three inlet structures, two large drop structures, 750 feet of storm drainage pipe up to 66”, an outlet structure, a pedestrian bridge, and nearly two miles of concrete trail. JR Engineering is providing the City with plan reviews, submittal and RFI reviews, pay application reviews, materials testing, construction inspections, construction management, and public relations.

The aging commercial area between Huron and Melody Streets north of 106th in the City of Northglenn suffered a severe loss of business over the years to newer adjacent shopping complexes. Working with JR Engineering, Wenk Associates proposed improvements to strengthen the existing qualities of the area, connecting residential, commercial and open space areas while improving traffic safety and undergrounding aging utilities. The proposed streetscape improvements along 106th Avenue, including a civic plaza, entry monuments, bikeway improvements and an overlook at Croke Reservoir will improve the image of the area to attract investment and redevelopment. A regional bus transfer station is integrated into the plan. Street trees, pedestrian lights, and sidewalk improvements connect a proposed civic plaza to shopping to the east and a proposed reservoir overlook on the west. JR provided Construction Management, Inspections, and Material Testing to complete this project.

JR Engineering led Design-Build project. JR teamed with Asphalt Specialties and WL Contractors for design and construction management of a 5 lane major arterial with intersection improvements including asphalt paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, striping, and landscaping. Services included preliminary construction plans, design survey, right-of-way maps, utility design survey, pavement design, traffic engineering, utility relocation coordination, legal exhibits, roadway construction, landscaping, traffic signal construction, construction staking, materials testing, and as-builts. During construction, a major Qwest utility vault and fiber-optic transmission lines were discovered to be in conflict with the proposed widening. JR was able to redesign portions of the roadway to avoid the conflict without increasing the overall project costs.

JR Engineering provided professional construction management services, including bidding services and construction inspection for the Mountain Avenue, Phase 1 project in Berthoud, Colorado. The Mountain Avenue project consists of three phases, two of which are being paid for in bonds. Phase 1 consists of replacing the sanitary sewer system from Second Street to halfway between Fifth and Sixth Streets, as well as an upgrade of the waterline from the east of First Street to Sixth Street. A stormwater line was installed from Firth Street to Second Street, 300 feet of the sewer line was replaced per week.
JR Engineering provided the Town with plan reviews, procurement services, materials testing, construction management, and public relations. This project involved extensive coordination with CDOT and involved CDOT procedures, and documentation.

JR Engineering is providing professional construction management services for the Heritage Hills Home Owner’s Association in Lone Tree, Colorado. The work consists of inspection and analysis of the current condition of all asphalt and concrete roads, curb, gutter, and sidewalk within the Heritage Hills Development resulting in a recommendation of a pavement maintenance plan. JR Engineering provided a 5 year phased pavement management system for the HOA based on a $200,000 per year budget for roadway repair and yearly evaluation of roadway conditions resulting in adequate roadway conditions for the development. The management system repairs include crack seal, slurry seal, patching, mill and overlay of asphalt along with replacement of concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, pan, and pavement. As a result of the recommendation, the HOA has requested JR Engineering provide additional services for full construction management services for contract documents and specifications, bidding out the first phase of the pavement management system, evaluation of bids and award the project, review of submittals, inspection and close out of the work.

JR Engineering was the project lead, teaming with LaFarge and Tarco for the design and construction of 5 miles of roadway. This project involved both the private and public sectors. The project included design and construction of the following elements: Roadway, Erosion Control, Drainage/Culvert, Floodplain Analysis, Environmental, Land Surveying, Mapping, Utility Coordination and Potholing, Right-of-Way/Easement Acquisition, Geotechnical and Materials Engineering, Construction Management and Construction Staking.

JR Engineering led a design-build team to provided design improvements, paving, and construction for an existing two-lane, 24-foot rural county gravel roadway with minimal shoulders. This section of roadway is immediately north of the County’s current project. The improvements provided a 24-foot paved roadway section with 6-foot recycled asphalt shoulders and roadside drainage ditches. 88th Avenue was widened to provide left turn lanes. The roadway profile was adjusted to improve the sight distance, while maintaining the roadway within the existing right-of-way. Existing driveways were regraded to match the proposed road profile and new culvert installed to convey the roadside drainage.
JR researched existing property boundaries and prepared legal descriptions of the necessary temporary construction easements. JR also notified existing utility owners of the project and performed dry utility potholing to identify any areas of utility lowering. For construction services, JR provided construction management, daily site visits, prepared necessary design, weekly construction activity reports, progress reports, and provided quality assurance checks.

JR Engineering led a design-build team to provide this design-build storm sewer replacement project for the City of Colorado Springs. The project consisted of a total replacement of the existing CMP storm sewer pipe with over 2500 l.f. of RCP storm sewer (15 inch to 48 inch), 14 manholes, 4 cast-in-place junction boxes, and replacement or modification of 14 inlets. The existing roadway was reconstructed or resurfaced as required, along with the removal and replacement of curb and gutter. Several areas of the existing CMP storm sewer system had corroded and collapsed requiring the City to seal off the existing inlets to prevent stormwater from further eroding the roadway subgrade. The exact alignment of the existing CMP was unknown and existing pipe junctions were not located at manholes. The design-build process allowed JR Engineering to uncover the existing pipe, perform field surveys, and quickly modify the storm sewer design to accommodate existing pipe laterals and dry utility conflicts. During the design-build process JR Engineering was able to perform and monitor hydraulic calculations of the system and make improvements to increase the capacity of the sewer system while providing for future expansion.

JR Engineering was the lead of Design-Build team with Quality Paving for replacement of a deficient bridge at the crossing of Riverdale Road and Brantner Ditch. Adams County contracted with JR after the existing bridge experienced a recent failure requiring immediate attention. JR was able to design, obtain all necessary permits and approvals, and construct the project within the strict project schedule utilizing a design-build project delivery method. The project included the design and construction of a Precast Conspan Bridge Structure, Wingwalls, Guardrail, Roadway Improvements, Riprap Stabilization, and Erosion Control. The project required extensive dry utility coordination, supporting an existing utility conduit in-place during construction, and performing utility relocations on behalf of the dry utility companies. JR also provided: Hydraulic Analysis, Ditch Company Permit Coordination, Utility Coordination, Geotechnical and Materials Engineering, Right-of-Way/Easement Acquisition, Construction Management, and Construction Staking.

JR Engineering led a design-build team with WL Contractors for the design and construction of traffic signal improvements at Malley Drive and Highline Drive intersection. The project also included safety improvements to the 112th Avenue and Larson Drive intersection located near a regional elementary school. Both intersections had safety concerns and frequent accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians. Pedestrian safety at the Malley Dr. intersection was further compromised due to the Farmers Canal trail crossing located just 40 feet east of the intersection. The trail was realigned to cross at the intersection and a new traffic signal was installed. The project also installed fiber optic interconnect to communicate with the master controller located on Washington Street.
For the 112th Ave. and Larson Dr. intersection several safety improvement options were evaluated including in-ground flashing crosswalk lights. Based on the review and the City’s available budget a traditional school crossing was installed with advanced flashing warning signs.
McKay Regional Drainage Way (Estimated Value: $4,500,000.00)
Client: City of Westminster
Contact: Dave Loseman, (303) 658-2400 x2125
Design Cost: $N/A / Construction Estimate: $4,500,000.00
Designed : 2014 Constructed: 2016
106th Avenue Streetscape
106th Avenue Streetscape
Contact: Norm Bell, (303) 451-8326
Design Cost: $135,000.00 Construction Estimate: $1,225,000.00
Designed : 2004 Constructed: 2005
Washington Street Intersection Improvements – Design/Build
Contact: Norm Bell, (303) 451-8326
Client: City of Northglenn
Design Cost: $85,000.00 Construction Estimate: $1,300,000.00
Designed : 2004 Constructed: 2005
Mountain Avenue Project, Phase 1
Client: Town of Berthoud
Contact: Stephanie Brothers, (970) 532-2643
Design Cost: $N/A / Construction Estimate: $2,000,000.00
Designed : 2004 Constructed: 2005
HERITAGE HILLS – Evaluation & Recommendation of Pavement Management
Client: Heritage Hills Home Owner’s Association
Contact: Kim Herman – Community Manager/MSI, LLC (720) 974-4234
Design Cost: NA / Construction Estimate: $1,000,000/year
Designed : Annually Constructed: Annually
56th Avenue
Client: Adams County and the City of Aurora
Contact: Besharah Najjar, (303) 453-8770
Design Cost: $175,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $3,500,000.00
Designed : 2003 Constructed: 2003
Imboden Road - 80th to 88th Avenue
Client: Adams County
Contact: Besharah Najjar, (303) 453-8770
Design Cost: $40,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $750,000.00
Designed : 2004 Constructed: 2004
Barnes Road Improvements
Client: City of Colorado Springs
Contact: Colleen Dawson, (719) 385-5436
Design Cost: $175,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $3,500,000.00
Designed : 2001 Constructed: 2001
Riverdale Road/Brantner Ditch Bridge Replacement Design/Build
Client: Town of Berthoud
Contact: Besharah Najjar, (303) 453-8770
Design Cost: $20,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $400,000.00
Designed : 2002 Constructed: 2002
Malley Dr Traffic Signal and E. 112th Ave Crosswalk Improvements
Client: Town of Berthoud
Contact: Joliette Woodson 303-450-8835
Design Cost: $15,000.00 / Construction Estimate: $200,000.00
Designed : 2009 Constructed: 2009