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Affinity Senior Housing Community
– Fort Collins

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Project: Active 55+ Multi-family Apartment Community

Affinity at Fort Collins is an age-restricted (55+) residential apartment community located just North of the Front Range Village in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The Affinity community consists of a sprawling 3-story building with 161 apartments, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, a pool house and ample open space / detention pond facilities.  Affinity retained JR Engineering to perform master storm drainage analyses, land surveying and platting, and site design engineering including: precise grading, drainage and erosion control reports, horizontal control plans, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage pipe designs.  With a building of this stature, built on one slab-on-grade finished floor elevation, precise grading can be a challenge, but JR was able to create a comprehensive, fully ADA Accessible campus with subtle ponds and berms to soften the driveway and parking areas.  With many drainage swales, basins and ponds, this site was designed to incorporate Low Impact Design/Development (LID) facilities into the grading and landscape plans, which added to the sustainability practices currently being required by the City of Fort Collins.


There were two unique aspects of this project. The first, involved designing a unified outdoor area with passive and active green spaces, bocci and pickle ball courts, and a resident managed, working micro-farm space. The second, involved JR working with the owner, surrounding property owners and the City of Fort Collins on master storm drainage improvement strategies, shared detention facilities and cross-property storm drainage outfall easements.

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