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61st and Pena Station Phase 1 Sanitary Sewer Improvements & Lift Station

61st and Pena Station Lift Station Denver, CO


JR Engineering prepared the design and construction documents for the initial phase of infrastructure for the 61st and Pena Station project.  The 61st and Pena Station development project includes the roadway and utility infrastructure required to serve the first rail stop from Denver International Airport on the east corridor line.  The site is located between Tower Road and Pena Boulevard, north of 56th Avenue in the City of Denver.

The sanitary sewer collection system serving the station and adjacent development includes:  1.7 miles of gravity sewer ranging in size from 8-inch to 24-inch, 4.2 MGD sewer lift station, and 0.25-mile force main.  The project included preparing a sewer master plan for the nearly 600-acre lift basin.  The master plan included a cost-benefit analysis of various locations of the lift station within the three drainage basins to be served.  The Lift Station includes; a 40 foot deep wet well; 3-1600 GPM submersible pumps; auxiliary generator, odor filtration system, and controller with telemetry.  The station was designed to municipal standards as the City will own and operate the station.  Value Engineering was ongoing for the design to keep the station’s budget in line.  The station and collection system was approved by Denver Wastewater, Denver Planning, Metro Wastewater, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, and numerous other jurisdictional agencies.


The goals of the project were to:  prepare a cost-effective design for a sewer collection system to serve a 600-acre lift basin supporting the first rail stop from DIA.

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