23rd Ave. Bicycle/Pedestrian Path
23rd Ave. Bicycle/Pedestrian Path
Aurora, CO
JR Engineering worked with the City of Aurora on the 23rd Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Path at Fitzsimmons DRCOG TIP project. Project elements include the design of a 12-foot wide concrete multi-use, bi-directional, physically protected bicycle/pedestrian facility along the south side of Fitzsimons Parkway extending from the Light Rail Station to Ursula Street and south to East 23rd Avenue. Other project elements include a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System (HAWK) and ADA compliant pedestrian crossing at the Fitzsimons station for the Aurora Line, 20 or more bicycle parking spaces within a ½ mile of the project, pedestrian scale ADA/AASHTO compliant lighting, and way-finding signage including destination and distance information.
Extensive stakeholder coordination was accomplished throughout the design phase of the project. The stakeholder list included RTD, Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority (FRA), Fitzsimons Golf Course, and Aurora Water.
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP) requires approval by CDOT and need to meet the CDOT requirements and utility, environmental and right-of-way clearances.
The environmental documents, construction plans, specifications, and right-of-way plans have been completed, and construction was completed in mid-2017.